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start blog from USA
start blog from USA
9 avril 2006

pequeno viaje en madrid

para ver un poquito del pais mi amigo ben y mi fuimos en madrid para dos dias. hemos tenido el autobus durante 4h para llega en Madrid durante la noche del viernes. madrid_004 madrid_005 es el italiano que nos ha proponido dormir en su piso. madrid_0081  instalacion del cama en el corredor :)  madrid_0121

madrid_018   fue el palacio real.  madrid_017 madrid_022 el symbol de la ciudad.  madrid_032 un bar de hard metal :) madrid_044 2 espanoles graciososmadrid_054   estatua:  madrid_071  siento pero no me recuerdo de este lugar madrid_0741

por fin fue un superbueno viaje pero debemos volver an classe.

20 mars 2006

palabrita a proposito de las FALLAS

Voy a presentarvos calquier fotos que representan las FALLAS. si no conoces las fallas lei esto:
habia un siglo, calquier ninos del centro ciudad " el carmen" han construido una pequenita estatua graciosa para redicular los hombres politicos o situacion graciosa. Despues la burgesia han contracto artistas para construir gran fallas ridiculas. Ahora es un evento muy conocido en todo el mundo. Hay conciertos castellones de fuego, y muchas otras cosas. Fue a corridas que es un evento muy famoso en espana tambien. Mira las fotos siguente:... de este album

19 février 2006


He arrivando en espana amigas, amigos y padres.

voy a  presentar mi viaje y todas la personas que he encontrado durant mi curso ERASMUS en VAlencia, ESPANA caramba.  arrive a la media de febrero para buscar un piso compartido con otros estudiantes. Durante las cuatros primeras dias vivi a la albergue de jovenes en el centro ciudad. Fue muy agradable porque todas la personas que fueron con migo fueron en la misma situacion.

En el mismo tiempo intente hacer mi inscripcion en la universidad la ETSII. por el momento es todavia dificil  buscar las asignaturas que me gusta. Entendio la idioma durante los cursos pero es un poquito dificil hablar con jovenes y estrangeros tambien. Julia visiste me durante la secunda semana para visitar y intentar la muy difiicil vida espanola.
Bodega, flamenco, playa y botellon fueron el programo de este semana.
La vida en valancia esta superba por todas las facilidades.

valence_010   plaza de virgen  valence_023   valence_046 plaza de ayuntamientovalence_042 llvalence_066 valence_071 valence_115

valence_079 Companeros de piso valence_125 valence_127 valence_129

21 décembre 2005

georgia aquarium


The biggest aquarium in the world just opened in atlanta, so we decided with my binomial to go there. it was intersting but we have been there for the first week end of chritsmas holliday, so it was really full. We made more than 1h30 to get in. Inside it really looked like a commun aquarium , but there were a giant swiming pool for two " requin baleine" .
On our way we past front of the famous tv channel CNN dscf0229dscf0233

A giant sea spider from japan: dscf0235 a beluga from mexico :dscf02391


We also have been in the  beautiful centenial olympic parc  : dscf0243 dscf0246

20 décembre 2005

The max 's departure

Max the british guy is leaving so we made a great barbecue outside because the temperature was still very comfortable. I loved this guy a little bit crazy i will miss him a lot.

I have a problem with the dowloading of these pictures so I can t put these on my blog sorry about that.

16 décembre 2005

The lunch of georgia research institute

To thank us, my binome and me were invited by our tutor in a very famous restaurant in atlanta on the top of the highest building of the city. Furthemore the restaurant was rotating so it allowed us to have a panoramic view of all the city.
It was a great moment;

img_0319    img_0308  img_0317 img_03191 img_0322  img_0340 img_0345 Hisham our tutor  offered us a coat from  Georgia Tech we really appreciated that . img_0350

12 décembre 2005

The gay party

Yes you do not dream, we were invited by a german guy we did not know before for a party but we really had no idea of what kind of party it should be. When we arrived in a very luxurious appartement we were surprised but the number of guys wearing amazing clothes. We realized where we are and decided to stay just to see but obviously we stayed all together lol.
164_6462_img  164_6466_img 164_6460_img
it was the only girl  quia164_6471_img1

Honnestly we did not stay too much time we came back to make a foosball tournement france and england versu the rest of the world:


8 décembre 2005

like all the time

we had no plan this week so we found a great bar where drinks were free until 11 pm. We stayed there for a while but in fact we arrived in a private party organized by a company so most of the guys were older. For a firts time i gone out with other french guys.

163_6322_img2 on the left you can see the french: 163_6325_img2  It s close to christamas eve so this is a gift lol : 163_6341_img2   163_6337_img1 We left this bar at 11.15 pm to a birthday party on a medecin campus of atlanta. Tha party was very cool 163_6369_img  because it was a a birthday for a 21 years old girl.

Aie aie the great floor was really damaged : 163_6386_img   

2 décembre 2005

bon je reprends car j ai beaucoup de retard

Hy everybody I coming back, and I am really sorry about this delay.

All right so that week end I tried a NBA basket ball game. Even if I don not like so much this sport i wanted to see a game in my life. It was difficult to obtain tickets even if the Panasonic stadium was almost empty. On 30 teams in Est hawks of atlanta are the baddest.

atlanta_113005___hawks_vs__heat_020  atlanta_113005___hawks_vs__heat_024   atlanta_113005___hawks_vs__heat_002 For the first time i listened the national song it was too much patriotic. atlanta_113005___hawks_vs__heat_009O                      

30 novembre 2005

Hockey game

It was impossible for me to go there because i did not have enough time to get ticket. So my friends sent me some pictures of the team. Even in atlanta they can produce ice but the team is also very bad.

162_6266_stb  162_6272_img I think the game was good because they played against Canada and most of american people does not like them. hockey1  Every things in usa are big show : 162_6282_img

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